Mahatma gandhi said, a consumer is the most important visitor on our premises. Responsibility to seek redress consumers should inform businesses of product defects. Consumer rights social science class 10 notes respaper. Candidates who are ambitious to qualify the class 10 with good score can check this article for. Mar 30, 2015 the powerpoint can be used during law classes in universities, where the universal consumer rights and important consumer cases can be used in the slides. This chapter proposes to discuss the issue of consumer rights within the context of the ways markets operate in our country. Project on consumer awareness for class 10 in about 25 pages. Mar 09, 2020 chapter notes consumer rights class 10 notes edurev is made by best teachers of class 10. Hence, there is a need to sensitise learners and encourage them to participate in the consumer. The definition of consumer right is the right to have information about the quality, potency, quantity, purity, price and standard of goods or services. The free consumer rights powerpoint template has a purple background with a symbolic background image of supermarket cart that makes it look beautiful. Draft guidelines were circulated to governments for comments in 1982, submitted to ecosoc in 1983, drawing on many sources including the organisation for economic cooperation and development oecd, the united states consumer bill of rights and materials from national consumer protection agencies and consumer associations. The right to satisfaction of basic needs the right.
This modern consumer ppt template has a man with a mobile device and enjoying the leisure time. The template is suitable for presentations about the consumer rights act 2015, consumer rights directive, consumer law, etc. The ppt slides are designed to help you initiate discussions around a range of consumer rights, including product safety and liability, transparency, and dispute resolution. Chapter notes consumer rights class 10 notes edurev. Every year 15th march is observed as world consumer rights day. But consumer protection act 1986cpa is the most important one and gives you as a consumer all the support and guidance against violation of your rights. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. They must be of satisfactory quality and, if theyre faulty, you can return them. Per capita income of different countries is calculated in their own currencies by the world bank. India is one of the many countries in the world which has exclusive courts for consumer redressal. Consumer is a person who purchases goods andor services for personal use. Page103 the basic rights of a consumer were precisely defined by no. However there are strong and clear laws in india to defend consumer rights, the actual plight of consumers of india can be declared as completely dismal. Commission established under subsection 1 of section 53 34.
Consumer rights and responsibilities ppt download slideplayer. Consumer powerpoint template is a free powerpoint background or slide design that you can download to make energy powerpoint backgrounds. Consumer awareness consumer rights, and responsibilities. This website and its content is subject to our terms and conditions. Consumer behaviour is a branch which deals with the various stages a consumer goes through before purchasing products or services for his end use.
Consumer spending consumers acquire goods and services in the marketplace consumers spend important role in economic growth consumer spending accounts for more than 65% of total. What are the consumer rights and responsibilities of which we speak. The 8 consumer rights the 8 consumer rights can you name the 8 consumer rights the 8 consumer rights can you name some of them. Taking the consumer movement forward indian parliament enacted the consumer protection act on 24 december 1986. This act shall be known as the consumer act of the philippines. These study notes are based on ncert book and cover all topic and important points. Kennedy a politician had specified his vision of consumer rights. A consumer is an important participant in the market. Study material and notes of ch 5 consumer rights class 10th economics. Alfadhel essa abdulla bin mana alhemeiri created date. Having regard to the recommendation of the council concerning guidelines for consumer. Consumer protection act main ppt free download as powerpoint presentation. What if the goods provided to the consumer by the business is not up to the standard. Powered by create your own unique website with customizable templates.
Additionally, these preprepared slides also feature content on the responsibilities of consumers to the spaces around them. Based on consumer protection act, 1986 music by beethoven. Hence there is a need to sensitize learners and encourage them to participate in the consumer movement. Its good to have indepth knowledge about what youre selling and who youre selling it to. Consumer can influenced by marketing advertisements. Ppt on consumer behaviour free download as powerpoint presentation. Ppt consumer rights and powerpoint presentation free to download id. There are six consumer rights as mentioned in the regulatory consumer protection act of 1986. Consumer rights consumers are unaware of and often indifferent about their rights. Consumer rights is an insight into what rights consumer holds when it comes to seller which provide the goods.
This template can be used by executives, managers, and other presenters. Feb 17, 2017 here is the presentation on consumers right. Consumer protection system rationale for consumer protection addresses disparities in consumer supplier relationship bargaining power knowledge resources state intervention premised on grounds of economic. The recording and slides will be sent to all participants after the. To promote and protect within the states the rights of the consumer. This is a short video on consumer rights for those who wish to know more about this subject and make use of this valuable court platform. Consumer rights chapter 5 the collage you see below contains some news clippings of consumer court verdicts. Table of contents consumer rightsconsumer movementconsumer rightssafety is everyones rightwhere should consumers go to.
Sep 02, 20 a guide to your consumer rights video guardian consumer affairs correspondent, rebecca smithers, breaks down the complicated world of consumer rights. The council, having regard to article 5 b of the convention of the organisation for economic cooperation and development of 14 december 1960. Modern consumer powerpoint template is a free consumer template for powerpoint with red background and consumer in the floor. But it also envisages a central consumer protection authority and vests too much power and control in this authority without proposing adequate administrative safeguards. There are may aspects of unequal situations in a market and poor enforcement of rules and regulations. Project on consumer awareness for class 10 in about 25. This modern consumer ppt template has a man with a mobile. There are many aspects of unequal situations in a market and poor enforcement of rules and regulations. A person who has indicated his or her willingness to obtain goods andor services from the supplier with the intention of paying for them. This free consumer powerpoint template has a light bulb and is good for presentations on energy consumption as well as other entrepreneur projects or online presentations. Sep 02, 2019 the 2019 consumer protection act brings about fundamental changes to the existing 1986 legislation. Let us learn about the various rights and responsibilities of consumers. International day for protecting consumers rights is scheduled for march 15 of each year, first established by the consumers international consortium in 1983 with the aim of expanding the publicity of the protection of consumers rights and interests, the world has been given priority to promote cooperation and exchanges among consumer. Class 10 social science consumer rights get here the notes for class 10 consumer rights.
Consumer protection act ppt free download as powerpoint presentation. The powerpoint can be used during law classes in universities, where the universal consumer rights and important consumer cases can be used in the slides. More importantly, what are the ways in which they can. The consumer is one who consumes or uses any commodity or service available to him either. Right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods, products or services, as the case may be, so as to protect the consumer. The template is suitable for presentations about the consumer rights act 2015, consumer rights directive, consumer. It is the policy of the state to protect the interests of the consumer, promote his general welfare and. Why did the people go to the consumer court in these cases. Consumer awareness shields them from the exploitation by producers and sellers. There is also a lesson plan and powerpoint presentation for use by consumer education trainers. Consumer rights and welfare are now an integral part of the. For more class 10 sst notes visit social science notes section. The ppt slides are designed to help you initiate discussions around a range of consumer rights, including product safety and liability, transparency, and dispute.
Consumer rights and welfare are now an integral part of the life of an individual and we all have made use of them at some or the other point in our daily routine. Cpa is specifically designed to protect consumer interest. The concept of consumer protection and the meaning of the rights is explained in this lesson. The doddfrank wall street reform and consumer protection act of 2010 established a cfpb civil penalty fund. Tes global ltd is registered in england company no 02017289 with its registered office at 26 red lion square london. When theres a product you need to sell, its best to do a little research beforehand. This document is highly rated by class 10 students and has been viewed 29487. Assent 26th may, 2006 commencement 1st july, 2006 1.
Ppt consumer rights powerpoint presentation free to view. What rights the upstream provider of personal information consumer or. Right to be protected against the marketing of goods, products or services which are hazardous to life and property. Consumer rights the new act through section 29 has added rights of consumer which are as follow. These verdicts came about because some people persisted and struggled to get justice. A presentation on consumer rights awareness basic terms. View and download powerpoint presentations on consumer rights ppt. This movement will be successful if consumers are aware of their rights and responsibilities while using goods and services. Out of the various laws that have been enforced to protect the consumer rights in india, the most important is the consumer. Every individual is a consumer, regardless of occupation, age, gender, community or religious affiliation. Consumer forums online can use the template for guest articles by advocates and other members, with important acts in the slides. The consumer protection department of consumer affairs. Consumers should be able to obtain fair remedies to consumer problems. Consumer take decisions whether to buy the product or not.
Find powerpoint presentations and slides using the power of, find free presentations research about consumer rights ppt. Free consumer rights powerpoint template prezentr ppt. For the love of physics walter lewin may 16, 2011 duration. Jul 23, 2016 this is a short video on consumer rights for those who wish to know more about this subject and make use of this valuable court platform. The word consumer is a derivative of the latin word consumere which means, to take up totally or to eat. Ppt consumer rights and responsibilities powerpoint presentation free to download id. Unctad united nations guidelines on consumer protection. Ppt consumer rights and powerpoint presentation free.
The consumer protection act, 1986 is the most important legislation enacted to provide for effective. Ppt consumer rights and responsibilities powerpoint. The consumer is one who consumes or uses any commodity or service available to him either from natural resources or through a market. Home class10economicsnotes notes of ch 5 consumer rights class 10th economics 09 jan. View consumer rights 10 class ppts online, safely and virusfree. When the bureau collects civil penalties, it deposits them in the fund. Right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods, products or services. The same consumer rights rules apply to secondhand and sale goods from shops. A guide to your consumer rights video money the guardian. Consumer protection federal communications commission.
In case of consumer exploitation, the rights of the consumer must be protected. When a consumer feels that he has been exploited, he must file a case in the district consumer. Cbse notes class 10 social science consumer rights. There are a couple of other legislations aimed at providing consumer. Even if the items secondhand or reduced, it doesnt mean you get secondrate consumer rights, except where the seller pointed out the specific problems before you bought. Consumer protection and basic needs consumer education the provision of utilities food health care delivery sustainable consumption part i. Consumer rights class 10 notes economics chapter 5 cbse. Consumer protection system rationale for consumer protection addresses disparities in consumer. For wellinformed the consumer about their rights, consumer protection act has led to the setting up of separate departments of consumer. Ppt on consumer behaviour consumer behaviour behavior. The right to satisfaction of basic needs citizens must demand access to.
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