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Akademie verlag, a german scientific and academic publishing company, founded in 1946 in the sovietoccupied eastern part of divided berlin to facilitate the publication of works by and for the german. Originally founded in 1921 as verlag chemie, wileyvch plays an important role in. Nonfiction topics, military history, national security policy and works of contemporary industrial technology. Now part of the holdings of peter tamms tamm media, it is one of the oldest german publishers still existing history. The local organising committee, in consultation with international steering. Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages. Im weltweit umfassendsten index fur volltextbucher suchen. Holland and jerry sohn, little steidl began at the steidl publishing house in 2005. The book program with the emphasis reinforced concrete and steel structures.
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